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Asian African Youth Government

Dr. Sakhyan Asmara

Chairman of Expert Board
Dr. Sakhyan Asmara is the Chairman of Expert Board of Asian African Youth Government 2021 - 2026

Wa Ode Asnawati M.Si

Deputy Chairman of Expert Board
Wa Ode Asnawati M.Si is the Deputy Chairman of Expert Board of Asian African Youth Government 2021

Dr. H. Dede Jajang Suyaman, SE.MM

Deputy Chairman of Expert Board
Dr. H. Dede Jajang Suyaman, SE.MM is the Deputy Chairman of Expert Board of Asian African Youth

Dato’ Fauzi Muhammad

Deputy Chairman of Expert Board
Dato’ Fauzi Muhammad is the Deputy Chairman of Expert Board of Asian African Youth Government 2021

Dr. H. OK. Edy Ikhsan, S.H., M.A.

Deputy Chairman of Expert Board
Dr. H. OK. Edy Ikhsan, S.H., M.A. is the Deputy Chairman of Expert Board of Asian African Youth

Dr. Bulat Ponomarev

Deputy Chairman of Expert Board
Dr. Bulat Ponomarev is the Deputy Chairman of Expert Board of Asian African Youth Government 2021 -

Dr. Muhammet Sahal

Deputy Chairman of Expert Board
Dr. Muhammet Sahal is the Deputy Chairman of Expert Board of Asian African Youth Government 2021 -

Ahad Shah

Deputy Chairman of Expert Board
Ahad Shah is the Deputy Chairman of Expert Board of Asian African Youth Government 2021 - 2026